"My complication had a little complication"

Michael Jackson's screamLe ridicule ne tue pas, sinon Michael Jackson serait déjà mort.
Mauvais disques, mauvais concerts, mauvaise figure, come-back(s) raté(s), il ne nous a rien épargné, le pauvre…
L’enfant prodige des Jackson 5, ce petit noir qui n’a voulu ni grandir ni rester noir, s’enfonce inexorablement dans sa déchéance immorale et pathétique. Et il en remet une couche, à l’occasion des fêtes de Noël et de ses déboires financiers et judiciaires, en sortant The Ultimate Collection, qui reprend les tubes déjà compilés sur HIStory en 1995, rassemblés aussi sur les Greatest Hits parus en 2001, suivis de près par Number Ones en 2003… Jacko fourgue des Best of plus souvent que Microsoft n’ose updater ses logiciels.
Je suis mauvaise langue : ce coffret avec plein de CD dedans comprend aussi un DVD de sa tournée Dangerous Tour, qui remonte à (ouh là là ça ne nous rajeunit pas) 1992. J’avais assisté à un de ses concerts parisiens (hippodrome de Vincennes ? Longchamp ?) et constaté avec dépit l’abondant recours au playback, qui, somme toute, avait un meilleur rendu sonore que ses poussifs couinements live.
Sinon, pour tuer le temps, et à condition de couper le son, le clip de Scream se laisse regarder avec plaisir. Tout comme l’étonnnante « reprise » en Lego du mythique Thriller.
Mais aujourd’hui, on écoute un medley rigolo de Billie Jean et Beat it, repris par le touchant Mathieu Boogaerts.

I saw Terry Gilliam’s Brazil again, the other night, with great pleasure and excitement. I had forgotten almost everything of this movie, especially the unhappily bitter ending. Even though Jonathan Pryce’s Sam Lowry is a very endearing character, as most of Gilliam’s heroes, it makes the punchline stronger,
And the best line from the movie inspired me the Michael Jackson thing. In the film, Mrs. Terrain is a victim of her plastic surgeon, unlike Jacko who is more probably a victim of his own Peter Pan syndrom. The little black singer who didn’t want to grow neither old nor black. He now has lost his color and even his nose, his credibility, his voice, his grace.
I’m not even talking of what he did with/to the young boys he was « lying in bed » with. Scary monster, as we can see in Thriller (Lego version here). Had he foreseen his own decay ?
He has also turned into an everlasting Best of dealer. Featuring Scream (worth a look without the sound), first came out HIStory in 1995. Then Greatest Hits in 2001. Shortly followed by Number Ones in 2003. As if he had made such numerous and big hits in the last ten years, as if he had done anything good since Bad… His only successful release must have been You rock my world, which sounded like a Whitney Houston cover.
So today’s track is a MJ cover, by French pop-folk chanteur Mathieu Boogaerts. Touching and funny.

Mathieu Boogaerts – Beat it / Billie Jean